Thursday, April 11, 2013

RPP bahasa inggris untuk kimia

School Name               :
Subject                                    : Chemistry
Grade/ Semester          : XI/ 1
Standard Competency            : To understand the reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and the factors that influence it and its application in daily life and industry in the SETS context
Time allocation            : 14 hours
Basic Competency
Learning Subject
Learning Experiences
Evaluation Form and Format
Time Allocation
Learning Resources and Media
Learning Product
3.4 To determine the quantitative relationship between reactants in the reaction of an equilibrium reaction
·    To interpret the experimental data on the concentration of reactants and reaction products in a state of equilibrium to determine the degree of dissociation and the equilibrium constant
·    To calculate the value of Kc based on concentration of substance at the equilibrium
·    To calculate the value of Kp based on the partial pressure of reagent gases and reaction products at equilibrium
·    To calculate the value of Kc based on the Kp  or otherwise

Quantitive relation between reactant from equilibrium reaction
·     To calculate the price of Kc, Kp, and the degree of dissociation (decomposition) through discussion
·     Doing exercise to calculate Kc and Kp value
·     Doing exercise to calculate Kc and Kp value or otherwise
Type of Evaluation:
Individual task
Form of instrument
Written test
12 hours
Chemistry book
Students work the quantitative relationship between reactants in the reaction of an equilibrium reaction.
3.5 To describe the application of the principle of equilibrium in daily life and industry in the SETS context.
·      To explain  the optimum conditions for producing chemicals in the industry based on the reaction equilibrium reaction
Haber Bosch process and Contact process
·     To assess the optimum conditions for producing chemicals in the industry based on the reaction equilibrium reaction through  a discussion
Type of Evaluation:
Individual task
Form of instrument
Written test
2 hours
Students work on the application of the principle of equilibrium in daily life and industry.

Students present the product of their work.

Learning Subject       : Chemistry
Topic Learnt              : Chemical Equilibrium
Grade/Semester         : XI/ 1
Target Group             : Those underlied by SETS vision and approach
Number Of meeting   : 6 x meeting ( 12 hours )

Standard Competency: To understand the reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and the  factors that influence it, and its application in daily life and industry in the SETS context.

Basic Competency: To determine the quantitative relationship between reactants in the reaction of equilibrium reaction

·         To interpret  the experimental data on the concentration of reactants and reaction products in a state of equilibrium to determine the degree of dissociation and the equilibrium constant
·         To calculate the value of Kc  based on the concentration of a substance in equilibrium
·         To calculate the value of Kp based on the partial pressure of reactant gas and the reaction at equilibrium
·         To calculate the value of Kc by Kp or the other way.
·         To determine the degree of dissociation and the equilibrium constant

A.        Learning Activities
After this learning process, students are expected to:
·         interpret experimental data on the concentration of reactants and reaction products in a state of equilibrium to determine the degree of dissociation and the equilibrium constant
·         calculate the value of Kc based on the concentration of substance in equilibrium
·         calculate the value of Kp based on the partial pressure of reactant gas and the reaction at equilibrium
·         calculate the value of Kc based on the value of Kp  or otherwise
·         determine the degree of dissociation and the equilibrium constant

B.      Learning Materials
1.       The quantitative relationship between reactants and reaction products of the reaction of equilibrium
2.       The equilibrium constant (Kc) the value of equilibrium constant can be determined by experiment, the value of Kc also can  be predicted if the concentration of substances in equilibrium is known
3.       The equilibrium constant of gas (Kp)
Kp is valid only for reactions involving gases. Kp is calculated by using the partial pressure of substances that are in equilibrium
A2 (g) + B2 (g)                     2AB(g)
4.       The relationship of Kc and Kp
Kp = Kc (RT) Δn
5.       The equilibrium of dissociation
Dissociation is the decomposition of one substance into another, which is more simple
The degree of dissociation is the ratio of moles of a substance that dissociates by the number of moles of the substance at first.

C.      Learning Methods
Talk, discussion, demonstration, giving assignment

D.      Strategy/Learning step

Main Activity

Closing activity
·      Teachers convey prerequisite knowledge: about the equilibrium reaction
·      Motivation: in a state of equilibrium, concentration of each component of the substance is fixed, so the ratio of the concentration of each constituent substance raised to the reaction coefficient is always fixed
·      Divide the class into discussion groups
·      The teacher informs to students that the purpose to be achieved to interpret experimental data on the concentration of reactants and reaction products in a state of equilibrium to determine the degree of dissociation and the equilibrium constant

·      Students discuss to determine the value of Kc based on experimental data on the concentration of reactants and reaction products in a state of equilibrium through class discussion.
·      to discuss information about the value of Kc and its reciprocal with  concentrations of reagents and reaction products at equilibrium

·      To present the results of a discussion each group

Class discussion to make the same perception of Kc value and its reciprocity  and reagent concentration on the reaction equilibrium
Learners are tested individually.

Do exercise and give tasks for next meeting
10 minutes

60 minutes

20 minutes

Main activity

Closing activity
·      The teacher checks the prerequisite knowledge of the equilibrium constant
·      Divide the class into discussion groups based on the location of seats, 4 students for each group.
·      The teacher informed to students the purpose to be achieved  in this chapter

Discussion of determining the value of the equilibrium constant if the parameters are known

·      Present  the results of a discussion each group
·      The teacher describes the equilibrium constant value

·      Discussion of class to make the perception of constant equilibrium value.
Learners are tested individually

The teacher gives a reward to a group who get the highest score
Do exercise and give tasks for next meeting

5 minutes

35 minutes

5 minutes

Main activity

Closing activity
·       The teacher checks the prerequisite knowledge about the law of equilibrium constants (Kc).
·      The teacher informed the students the objectives to be achieved in this chapter

to discuss about the development of the concept of equilibrium constant of gas (Kp) in a group

·      To present of the results of a discussion
·      The teacher gives examples of questions to determine the equilibrium constants of gas (Kp)

·      To Discuss to make the perception of the balance of the equilibrium constant of gas (Kp).

Learners are tested individually the teacher gives reward to a group who have the highest score

Do exercise and give tasks for next meeting
10 minutes

65 minutes

15 minutes

Main activity

Closing activity
·      The teacher checks the prerequisite knowledge: the concept of equilibrium constants and equilibrium constants of gas
·      Apperception: on the gas equilibrium reaction, students can calculate the value of Kp because the value of Kc is known
·      Motivation: How is the interrelationships between Kc and Kp?
·      The teacher informed students the purpose to be achieved is to calculate the value of Kc based on Kp Kc or otherwise
·      The teacher divides the group based on seat location, each group of 4 students

Students discuss the relationship between the equilibrium constant (Kc) and the gas equilibrium constant (Kp).

·      Present  the results of discussion each group
·      to discuss about the relationship between the equilibrium constant (Kc) to the gas equilibrium constant (Kp).

·      discuss to make the perception of the calculation in determining the relationship between Kc and Kp.

Learners are tested individually
Teachers and learners calculate the test score results
The teacher gives a reward to a group who have the highest score

Giving the task to look for another application and matters relating to the relationship Kc and Kp
5 minutes

35 minutes

5 minutes

Main activity

Closing activity
·      Apperception: in the dissociation equilibrium reaction there is a degree of dissociation
·      Motivation: how is the relationship between the degree of dissociation and constant of equilibrium?

·      In a group discussion, reviewing the worksheet, determining the degree of dissociation
·      Discussing the magnitude of the fraction of a substance that dissociates
·      Discussing the example of the problem of the equilibrium dissociation

Present the results of the study group representatives.

Discuss to make the perception of the equilibrium dissociation.

Learners are tested individually
Teachers and learners calculate the test score results
The teacher gives a reward to a group who have the highest score
Pass the test
10 minutes

70 minutes

10 minutes

Daily tests
90 minutes

E.       Resources/ Material/ Equipment
·         Sources:
A. Books appropriate chemical
Michael Purba. (2007). KIMIA untuk SMA kelas II. Jakarta : Erlangga
Sukisman Purtadi dan Saptono Nugrohadi. (2007). Kimia II untuk Sekolah Menengah Atas/ Madrasah Aliyah Kelas XI. Jakarta : Balai Pustaka
·         Learners Worksheet
·         Internet media

F. Assesment
Indicators of achievement
Methods for Assesment
Form of instrument
Example of instrument
·   Interpreting the experimental data on the concentration of reactants and reaction products at equilibrium
·   Calculating Kc value based on the concentration of a substance in equilibrium
·   Calculating Kp value based on the partial pressure of reactant gas and the reaction at equilibrium
·   Calculating the value of Kc by Kp or otherwise
·   Determining the degree of dissociation and the equilibrium constant

1.       Experimental data results
reaction: H2 (g) + I2 (g)              2 HI (g)
[substance] in equilibrium
a. From columns A, B, and C, which is close to a fixed price?
b. How does the formula which gives the relationship between the price fixed by the equation?
c. What conclusion can you get on the equilibrium constant Kc?
2. On P and T specified in 10 L vessel contained a balance between PCl5 0.2 mol, 0.3 mol PCl3, and 0.1 mol Cl2, according to the reaction: PCL5 (g) <==> PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g) Determine the value of Kc
3. In a vessel with P = 3 atm and T = 400 K, 0.5 mol N2 and 1.5 moles of H2 is reacted with equation:
N2 (g) + 3 H2 (g) <==> 2 NH3 (g ).
At equilibrium there are 0.25 moles of N2 gas. Calculate Kp for the equilibrium value is.
4. Determine the price of Kp for the reaction
PCL5 (g) <==> PCl3 (g) + Cl2 (g)
if known at a temperature of 1910C Kc = 3.26 x 10-2 M
5. In a 2 L flask place 0.2 mol dissociation COCl2 gas, the reaction: COCl2 (g) <==> CO (g) + Cl2 (g). When the equilibrium, moles COCl2: Cl2 = 4: 1.
a. Kc
b. a
c. Kp at 25 ° C

G.     Structured tasks and Independent Task
Structured tasks
Independent tasks
 Task:  reading concepts:
Dynamic equilibrium.
Doing exercise to calculate the equilibrium constant value
Looking on the internet about equilibrium constant
Doing exercise to calculate the value of gas equilibrium constant from the Erlangga book 2A
Filling practice questions from a textbook

Learning Subject               :    Chemistry
Topic Learnt                      :    Chemical Equilibrium
Grade/Semester                 :    XI/ 1
Target Group                     :    Those underlied by SETS vision and approach
Meeting sequence              :    1 (on this basic competency)
Time Allocation                 :    2 x 45 menit
Standard Competency       : 3. Understanding the reaction kinetics, chemical equilibrium, and the factors that influence it, and its application in daily life and industry in the SETS context.
Basic Competency             : 3.5. Explain the application of the principle of equilibrium in daily life and industrial in the SETS context.
Indicator                            :    Explain the optimum conditions to produce chemicals in the industry based on equilibrium reaction.

I.          Learning Purpose
Students can explain the optimum conditions for producing chemicals in the industry based on equilibrium reaction.

II.          Learning Materials           : Haber Bosch process and Contact process

III.          Learning approaches and methods:
·      Approach           : SETS.
·      Methods                        : Debriefing and discussion.

IV.          Learning Step:
Preparation (5 minutes):
·      Teacher open the lesson by saying hello.
·      Teacher check the attendance of students.
·      Teacher motivate students by talk and ask questions about the events that related to the application of equilibrium principles in daily life and industry.

Main Activities (80 minutes):
·      Teacher told the students that learning will be different from usual. Teacher explain to students that the topic of learning comes from an article titled manufacture of ammonia and sulfuric acid. At first, teacher relate it to the previous material.
·      Teacher share the article.
·      Teacher ask students to read, learn and explore the contents of the article that has been shared.
·      Teacher give a problem about the article.
·      Teacher ask students to discuss in the group about issues that has been given. The division of groups based on seat.
·      Teacher ask a representation from each group to present the results of their discussion to the class.
·      Teacher give some reinforcement for result of discussion (reinforcement of basic concepts).

Closing Activities (5 minutes):
·      Teacher with students concluded the learning result.
·      The teacher close the learning activities.

V.          Tools and Learning Resources:
·      Articles
·      Chemistry books

VI.          Assessment:
·      Cognitive
1.    Assessment of procedures in the learning process and processing tasks.
2.    Presentation
3.    Individual evaluation.
·      Affective.
Affective assessment is done by assessing the attitudes of students during the learning process and an assessment of student presence.

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